Universe- BY GURU ENLIGHTMENT Edited by Spiritual Gentle Soul & Butterfly


You think the universe gives you answers, but haven’t you realized that it’s not about the universe but it’s about you. You’re the one that gives yourself the answers you are looking for, even when you write it in a book, on a paper, or a whiteboard. I hear people saying I’ll give it out to the universe when all the negativity  is out there. Seriously? You are going to realize you have been and will continue to be the universe, because you have always been the universe. Everyone gives credit to everything except themselves. Just as those that are religious give credit to Jesus or God but never ever themselves. I am not religious, but I do believe there is something more powerful than us. I also believe we came to Earth to learn and grow and become better than what we wear before entering this planet. Everything was given to us before we entered  the world . We were given the tools to help us deal with our journey and to deal with earth as well as the people on it. You just forget because you allow the system to take over you.


Many got lost along the way. As much as you believe in the universe, Jesus, God, or whatever you believe in, why can’t you believe in yourself? Faith starts within you first, by believing in yourself. You still don’t get it. You brought what you chose to bring in your life, whether negative or positive. You decide what path you want to take. Shit happens to every one of us. No one gets away with anything, and if they think they do, they have a surprise coming. You always have a choice to do what you need to do. Tribulations will always be there. It comes with living on earth. You give credit out there and receive nothing for yourself. 

Asking for prayers and guidance helps, but once that door opens up for you, you go through it alone because no one will hold your hand, except yourself. When my students tell me  “thank you”, I let them know that they did it, not me. When I show them the way, it's up to the student to go through that door and deal with what comes, if I am there or not, because they have a better understanding of the journey they are taking.


You have forgotten how powerful you are and that we all came from a powerful source or maybe even a different one, but it doesn't matter. The government knows this, that's why they take you away from the truth. They are powerful, too, that is why they get away with everything in the world. People follow them blindly. People are waking up, but the system is already ahead of those that have woken up. We are in the middle as they surround us, and no one wants to see that at all. Everybody is looking to believe in something, but they forget the most important person to believe in and that is themselves. People are lost and I see it more each day, since the 70s, and they reap the whirlwind. I am a person that does not vote. Why? Because it is a waste plus the government and the underground choose who should win. It's been like that for centuries and if you don’t follow their rules, you know what happens to you. Look at what happened to President Lincoln, President John F. Kennedy, his brother Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King and many more influential people that have been killed because they did not follow the rules. It is still going on to this day. 


They grow more powerful and greedy everyday, they take it upon themselves to change the laws. I don’t remember them asking any of the citizens permission to change anything, they just do it, hello! They already had plans and prepared themselves for this change that is about to come. It doesn’t surprise me at all. The other big surprise? No  more abortions. Only if it deals with life and death, supposedly. Then the war and the immigrants coming where many are living in the streets. Because they are not  living in the white house or the Mayor’s mansion or congressmen’s houses. I am not against any immigrants coming into this country and I don’t blame the immigrants either. In reality we are all immigrants, because this land belongs to the Indians. The United States stole the land for a couple of bucks. The Indians did not really know what money was or the value of it. I wish I could buy land with that little bit of money. yeah right, in my dreams!  

There is a reason for having all the immigrants here in the United States. Why? you’ll get to see from the front row when it’s time. The next thing, and listen in because it gets better people, the government is saying that if adults  and children get sick in their homes, government officials  will take them out of their house, and determine if their illness will cause any kind of danger. Use your brain to think, though it might be hard for you. Why all of the sudden is this happening? What kind of danger is coming and how do they know? What illness is on it’s way? This is what they are planning for us. I would like to hear your thoughts on all this. BUT WHAT DO I KNOW!   


My students ask me why I bother sharing things when no one cares or read what I write? My answer to that is because there are people that read what I write even though they don’t comment. Some people text me privately to learn more. That’s why I do it. No one has to believe me either, it doesn’t matter. I keep saying as long as I am doing what I am supposed to do, that’s what really matters. I can’t reach the entire world, that would be impossible, and I don’t think I would want that either. Everyone must find themselves. I just hope they do. Everyone believes in different things and that’s their choice, that’s what makes the world go around. Perhaps next time you want to see the universe, look in the mirror and realize you are the universe, for you are powerful, you can make things happen for you, you're worth it, you are special, you are important, and that you matter. Most important of all is you’re powerful. 


There is much more to come in the year 2024 but you’ll get to see with your own eyes and hear things that will make you pissed off. Hopefully everyone has a safe HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  Because it’s going to be a bliss. MAY THIS NEW YEAR BRING YOU ALL ENLIGHTMENT.


What do I say about women? There is so much to say since women are at different levels. From the beginning of time to this moment, nothing has really been given to women, even if they think something has been given to them. Women choose to take what they want and leave what they don’t want. I cannot speak to all women, but only those that see farther. Women want to make a difference, but sometimes those differences interfere with other women because some women can be very conniving, jealous, insecure and afraid of other women's strength, courage and success. Those women who will do anything to win, stand up to conquer as much as they choose to, but everything has a price to it. I believe a woman is gifted in so many ways, and a genius. What she does with that, that is her choice. No woman should judge another woman unless she walks her journey. Judging is something women always do to other women. I believed that instead, a woman should support another woman and be there for each other, because WOMEN ARE POWERFUL! THEY JUST DON’T REALIZE IT!  

The hardest job there ever has been is being a mother, and it doesn’t come with a paycheck. A mother needs to be a leader, and a leader should know when to feel defeated; although, it doesn’t mean that she failed. Failing doesn’t make her weak, it makes her wiser. To know we are not perfect and not everything is going to work our way, that’s being truthful. We should all know our limits. It is when we don’t, that it becomes a problem. You have those that trust you and believe in you and have faith in you. It wasn’t because you were smart but because you were always honest, showing your family, your job and the other people in your life that you were always there to protect the ones you love and care for. Being a woman is hard enough. It’s never been easy, for this is a man’s world. Women often don’t get the respect for the accomplishments they’ve made, because it has always been hidden by men. The system made women feel being a mother wasn’t enough, that anyone can do that job. So they made them feel worthless and men fed into that, but that’s where everyone was wrong. Being a mother here on earth is the hardest job to do. Other jobs just don’t compare at all. Being a mother, there is never ever an ending. Some women lose sight of that and become selfish and greedy and start liking the power of being in a man’s world. I have seen women succeed but also lose a lot. I’ve seen women forget who they were to fit into this system and society. I’m not saying that a woman cannot accomplish things, but I’m saying that to accomplish things changes you and we forget why we started in the first place. 

That is the reality, because it is a man’s world, and women forget to be women and end up being like men. Me personally, I prefer being a woman who is strong and tough when she needs to be, but I like to feel good within myself and know who I am and what I am. I’ve worked too hard to get here, and I am not going to allow someone to change me to society’s way of thinking. No way. Believe me, I am not saying it’s easy, because it isn’t. You meet egotistical men and dumb women as well. Sorry, but that is that truth. Your degree doesn’t say anything to me; the world needs the paper to show what you have learned and what you were taught in college so you could get paid well. There are people who love what they do which is great, but getting an education isn’t everything. For me education is important because we live in a society where you need it. In my world, education doesn’t exist. What does exist in my world is wisdom and knowledge and growth. When you leave this earth to go back home they are not going to ask how far you went in education and how much money you made, or if you have a house or any cars. They’ll ask you who you are and what you are. Your job doesn’t define you at all, not even to me. I definitely don’t want any part of that society. Women will say, “But you’re still a part of it,” and my answer is yes, but only 20 percent of me is. The rest is in my world. 

This is a man’s world and will continue to be until that change comes. It will but not at this time of this century. Sorry to say, women have to make things work for them to make things happen. But not all women want help and some just don’t really care, because they are more concerned about doing what they feel they need to do. As for the men who run the country, they can keep their job. Because to be there is to lie, it’s to cheat, showing no value to the human-race and being conniving and always looking for more power and greed. So they can keep that world. They haven’t done a great job with it at all. That is why men were born with pride and ego and built strong. Women are strong in another way, but also carry compassion, kindness, understanding, patience, love and so much more. Nowadays you meet a guy and he’s hoping the girl works, because things are different financially. It’s not like a woman will stay home now. Some men do not want to take financial responsibility, let’s be real, unless he is rich. There are men that have grown to help out their spouses and take responsibility, for they see a woman’s value and respect her. The men that run the world, that’s a different story. They have no respect for women at all. Even if they show they do, in reality they don’t. It's all a game. I have seen women go into a man’s world and forget that they are still women, because they act more like a man and think like one.  

I have been a single mother for maybe 30 years or more. I don’t bother to count. I raised four children that I gave birth to. One passed away at the age of 14 from cancer.  Later, I decided to become a foster mother to a boy, who I eventually adopted. I fostered and adopted a second and third time and ended up with three adopted children. I was blessed with raising them. Was it easy? Hell no. I call my children, “savages” - that’s the nickname I gave them. I stood by them and fought for them and now they stand tall. What they decide to do with their life is up to them. I gave them the basics. Now it’s their turn to use what was taught to them or to become idiots, but so far they are doing good. But you never ever know what their journey has planned for them. What they do with themselves, that is something they will decide or learn from, and hopefully they’ll become more from the lessons they gain. All we can do is pray for them and be there for them. I will always hope for the best for my kids, but in reality it’s also up to them. I have always told them to THINK before going forward and think of the consequences. It’s not about the world, it’s about your achievements within you; then, you are a success. When I decided to be a foster mother, I was saying to myself, “Man or child, man or child.” I chose a child. It doesn’t mean that I didn’t want a man, I just chose not to have a man. Having my children was enough and believe me it still is, but that was my choice. I have no regrets, I still get all the men I want. I just had to close my eyes and go to my world and I have a ball and don’t have to deal with so much crap. But that’s my secret getaway. 

I continue doing what I need to do for me. You see a man doesn’t define me. I identify myself, and again that doesn’t mean that I couldn’t have a man if I chose to in this lifetime, I just choose not to. There is so much I have to do and taking care of my children is enough. They bring me joy, laughter, love, beauty, and the lessons I have learned along the way. With it, also came anguish, frustration, and pain, but it was all worth it. I didn’t get away with anything either just because I chose my children. I never wanted to be in this man’s world. Anyhow, I wanted to make a difference as a woman and I feel I have. It doesn’t mean that I’ve touched everyone in the world - that would’ve been more than a lot and to me that wasn’t reality.  As long as I touch those that I need to, that’s what is important to me. There is so much more that a woman is capable of but sometimes you sell yourself short. You allow others to influence you not to follow your journey and there are also women who feel that they desperately need a man in their life and forgot about their own life.

It is beautiful to be loved, to be honored, and respected, to be looked upon as someone greater, but not every woman will get that. Whether you do get it or not, you need to realize that you have a purpose and have a need to complete your journey. It doesn’t have to be working in the field or being home raising your children. It can be something simple, but the important thing is to accomplish it. Some women feel they are not worth it or capable. Other women have been destroyed since childhood: molested, raped, physically or mentally abused. Everything in the beginning changes her story, and the story takes us where we put ourselves. But I always hope that in time a woman wakes up and realizes what happened to you as a child, you’re not in control of. Someone was but now you can take that power back and be in control of your life, not in a nasty disrespectful way, either, but in a way that you reach the goal that you need to. It’s not about the world, it’s all about you. There’s so much more I can share but I hope that this is just a beginning and that you give yourself a chance to be who you are meant to be. Never ever forget where you came from and how you got here. Never forget that your children are our future, and if they’re not right in their own path then we also don’t have a chance in this system because things are changing fast. We desperately need our girls to become women, to become strong and powerful, and carry compassion and love and understanding so that they also could make a difference. And to those that have boys and not girls, teach them to respect a woman, to honor that woman. 

No child, boy or girl, is perfect and we all come with baggage. But let’s make it less for them so they can deal with the world. Allow them to grow, and some would not grow but we can only do the best, starting with us first. We can show them not by what we say, but from what they see in us as women.


 I remember when I was a kid. I enjoyed hearing people talk about anything and always found their conversations interesting. I enjoyed going to the museum, I enjoyed going to any place where I could learn things, except for school. I never liked school and I found it to be a waste of time for me. I didn’t feel I was getting what I wanted or needed. There were teachers that shouldn’t have been teachers because not every teacher knows how to teach. Plus, history and science did not play a big part in my life, at that. I wanted to learn about other things:  about people, the world, children, and the system. I never ever liked politics. I couldn't stand it and I still don’t, since it’s all about lies, illusions, and control.

I wondered what people thought about love and what makes a person love another. I had so many questions to ask. How love could turn into hatred, even to the point of betraying or killing your loved one. How about when someone is so in love and forgets about themselves, gives everything to their spouse and their spouse in turn forgets their existence? These are the things I thought about at a young age. What makes people hate each other? Where did the love go? How does one love somebody and then mentally and physically abuse that human being? That was just the way my brain worked. Once I started to hear the voices I understood so much more, and I learned more as time went on. Then in time I became a Spiritual Teacher.

As a kid I always found people so interesting, especially children - even though I was one myself at the time. The way I thought about people and the world around me, I felt it was normal.I never felt that I was different until later in life. Then it hit me that I saw things differently than everyone else. And soon  I started to see the reality of everything, but it took time and didn’t happen overnight. As I became aware of everything and anything, I made mistakes too, but minor ones. There was a time in my life that I felt stupid because I was not smart in school and I couldn’t read as well as other students. Even my mother agreed that I was stupid, but being born in the United States was the best thing for me, because there was so much I could and wanted to learn. My mother would say I was too nosey. In some ways, maybe she was right. While kids were involved and doing well in school, I was involved in many things outside of school, where I made connections with the world and the universe. I wondered what was out there in the universe, and when I felt that connection to what was out in the universe, it never scared me - I always just felt at peace. I also wondered what makes you, you.

Eventually, I realized my way of thinking was different. Unlike other people I knew, I never felt part of this world. However, giving birth to my children was the only deep connection I felt to it. I found everyone else to be so different. Everyone wants to live a difficult life and make their life hard and complicated while others look for pity, play victim, or feel sorry for themselves. Like the world revolves around them only. No one thinks. There are so many things I’ve seen within human beings. Was I perfect? Absolutely NOT. For no one is perfect at all, and if you think you are, you better wake up before you really confront reality because reality is going to be a shock for you. 

Now things are changing. I remember when I used to go to Puerto Rico with my mother and brother. That, to me, was just a different world and I loved going there. They grew their own fruits and vegetables, and kept animals like chickens, pigs, and cows. It was healthy food. That time was great. Now food doesn't taste the same anymore; I call it the killer food. Even the food you eat outside tastes wrong. For all we know we are eating chemically treated food or even human bodies. I laugh when they say eat healthy food. The best way to continue living and become healthy is to grow your own food. Otherwise, stop saying because it is organic, it is healthy. It’s like saying “this condom I bought is “organic”, so it’s safe to use, oh great, I still got pregnant.” Think about that. Ok, do you really believe if you eat healthy food, you’re not going to catch any kind of disease or get cancer? Please! You may say, “hey there could be a slim chance I won’t get sick,” and maybe you are right or maybe you are wrong. Everything is not the way it used to be. Do you really think food is not being affected? wake up! Children are being born with more CANCER than ever. And let’s not forget about AIDS: it just showed up one day, knocked on our door, and said, “hello, I am here.” Just like COVID. Hello, if AIDS didn’t work for you, maybe this disease will kill you. Watch out for the other illnesses that are heading our way. 

Let’s talk about people killing each other's families and each other’s children, hearing about shots being fired, or people suffering. It’s happening more than ever. It is becoming more normal to hear about these things when you get up in the morning hear on the news or when you read your newspaper.

Let’s talk about how people can see that these children are missing because of human trafficking. What people might not know is It is not just for sex, it is also for taking organs, and experimenting. 

Let's talk about drugs: prescribed and illegal.When it comes to illegal drugs people are beginning to look like zombies. And we must not forget about fentanyl, this drug addiction is spreading worse than herpes. Be aware, for there are more drugs coming to your streets. The more they get people numb the better to control. Wow, now that weed is legal, isn’t it exciting that you’re still being controlled with a substance? I can understand for those that are ill, but that should be as far as it goes.

There is always a light. Also, let’s go to the dark and realize that there is a light out in all of this. But, it’s up to you to see the light and find it. Many have lost it or just don’t know where to look for it. You choose not to see the light because you still carry your own demons. One of your demons is pride, another is ego, and another one is your selfishness that’s feeling powerful. I tell my students  to be careful and be aware of what you ask for because it carries a mask and when you get to see the truth, it’s too late. When you're face to face looking at things, you hope to see the truth.  BUT WHAT DO I KNOW! 



When you look everywhere and at everything, you see how many things need to be questioned. You wonder if what you are seeing is real. Everything may seem real, but is it? We have lived in a life where it was told to us  how we were supposed to live it - what can we gain from a life like that? Just like history has been written and shared by men, it doesn’t mean it is true, but you all believe the history that has been told anyway. Again, what is the truth? The only ones that know the truth are the people who actually experienced it in our history and they are all dead. Everything is written to the convenience of those that have written the history. I wonder if there is any book that actually tells the truth. No “regular people” know what the truth is, only those that were chosen to keep silent and carry those secrets with them and those that are behind the Curtains.


They build robots because robots do not think like people do and people are starting to think and question things more. Change is coming. Reality will hit.  People talk about the many species that walk among us: the Reptilians, Bigfoot, aliens, and many other things like creatures that live underwater, creatures that roam the earth, creatures that are hiding on the earth. You see, everything and anything is possible and for anyone to think it isn’t, you will probably be the one to be surprised when the time comes. People are coming out, sharing things, but is it true in what they are showing and sharing? People get paid to put certain things out on social media. That's why it confuses people and puts fear into them.


This whole universe has always been a mystery. I can’t accept everything that was written about this universe, because they only know as much as they think they know. In reality, there is so much more than what they see. This universe existed way before any human beings came to earth.This government likes to put their nose where it does not belong, They think they have the answers, but they don’t. They can control the weather and make hurricanes and tornadoes, control human life, food, medicines, the media, and even the pharmaceutical companies are in cahoots with the government. We live in an illusion. They own everything, they just don’t let you know that. Women can’t have an abortion for it was told, but by who? Who do you think? It sure wasn’t us, we aren’t that stupid to mess things up for ourselves.  Now we go to war because they say so. When I hear about a war being started I always wonder what that has to do with the United States, what they are gaining, and what the other country is going to gain because it is always about power and greed.


When people get into war it is because of hatred, religion, oil, or power and greed. War is not the solution. This world is so big that everyone can find a space to live. The fighting makes people in this country hate each other more. Palestine and Israel are at war, and the people from these countries fight against each other here in the United States, because of what is happening in the middle east.   Everyone is a victim whether good or bad, but again it is always the innocent that suffer: women and children. That's who I care about the most. If men want to be idiots, then let them fight each other as men should. The world is crumbling with the ignorance of people. 


Hatred takes over just as racism does in every country or state. People don’t like other people, so what does one do? They go and kill everyone. Seriously? This is the cruelty of people. What are we going to do, kill everyone we don’t like because of religion, race, greed, and power? Why don’t we go against human trafficking, pedophiles, drugs - that makes more sense, so children won’t be raped, like boys and girls as well as women. Leave the women and children out of the war. The adults’ hatred is what messes things up. Children have no problems, it’s the adults. No one really cares because if they did or had a heart and had common sense, this would not be happening. When our soldiers come back home, what does the government do for them? Nothing, just like they did for the other soldiers before them. Look how many parents suffer because of a stray bullet accidentally killing their child, or a child being raped here in our cities. As a mother I feel for those kids and their mothers.  Every day you wake up and hear about deaths in cities everywhere. How can we think that war is okay and that it is the solution to the problem?  


It’s hard to believe what you see or hear in the news. People who carry hatred will never ever find peace, always putting fear into human beings. Just like I shared in the beginning, no one really knows the truth. This government and every other government in the world knows what they are doing. We are just their puppets, caught in the middle, like always. We are the ones that will pay the price, because of these governments. 

Now we have immigrants coming to New York, Canada, Arizona, etc. Why all of the sudden? Too many things are happening all at once. What ever happened to Hawaii and the people and children that were missing?  Have we forgotten?


I, in no way, feel that immigrants shouldn’t be here. For I, and many like us, were immigrants in this country, for this country originally belonged to Native Americans. Immigrants are pushed to come here without knowing anything. Many are living in the streets, putting fear into the people of the cities they were dropped off in. We are already in chaos with the people that live here, losing their minds, shooting innocent people and children, pushing people into train tracks, cutting people. Now they want more chaos to happen and it will. It’s like they planted them for something, and no one sees that. 


The more fear that comes everyone's way, the more the government likes it. BIG BROTHER IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER OR MAYBE SOMETHING SURPRISING. DON’T FORGET THEY still hide behind curtains, the ones we don’t see. BUT WHAT DO I KNOW. 


Everyone has a story to share, but many of them will share a different story; a story that may be fiction, reality, an illusion, or fantasy, while others will see nothing. There are those that can not see their own story because it’s covered up with anger, frustration, ego, pride, disappointment being a victim, feeling self pity, and it’s everyone's fault as they cover up their own mystery.

Can you see your beginning? with the eyes that are still closed.


What do we do when we all feel powerless, as the war continues and those that are there are suffering or losing their life? Hatred never ever stops. It keeps growing and becoming a world of its own. It’s suffocating the world, where the darkness keeps taking over more and more, each day. Respect is disappearing for people as well. Some of these children and adults that are living on earth have come from the dark and some have turned to the darkness.

We have been losing our children, and no one wants to acknowledge or realize the truth. I’ve been seeing this happening since the late 70s and I’ve been sharing this all this time. Fear is growing more and people are afraid. The government and the system know what they are doing, and everyone is falling for it. Every war is horrible and women and children are the ones that suffer the most. What they do to these women and children is unimaginable.

I HATE THE WAR. I HATE THE KILLING. I HATE THE SUFFERING. Like people don’t suffer enough just by living on this earth. Everyone wakes up to hear someone was killed or shot in the streets all over in every city. It's never enough. The shadow of death walks through cities collecting the bodies. The reality is that human beings have no values anymore. Where the darkness takes over the children that have given up. 

More and more children are becoming lost. NO one gets it, or do they? There are people that just don’t see or choose not to see how this system is using their children. The system has your children wrapped around their fingers, and you as parents are losing control. The moment marijuana became legal, that should’ve been a wakeup call to parents. I know there are people that need it for their illness, but it still should be treated like a controlled substance. You can say marijuana does not do anything or is harmless, but you’re still in denial. This youth will end up having dementia younger.  Why? You may ask. That’s because marijuana at one time was not as bad as it is now. I’m not saying it was good either, but now marijuana carries different kinds of chemicals when you buy it out there on the street. The marijuana that’s in the dispensary is run by the government, and I wouldn’t trust that either. I sure don’t trust them at all. 

We are all puppets in the medical field. Think about it: when you go to see your doctors,  they prescribe specific pills for you to deal with a specific illness. Now, we could have the same illness or different, but our bodies are all different, so it doesn’t mean that our medication works for everyone or that it will work the same way all the time. Everyone has to go through a trial period for their medication to see if it works. Just like they do for cancer patients, what works for one doesn’t work for the other, but they must try and see what works for who.

Taking a life in any situation is very devastating for everyone. You see, when you think you're big and bad by carrying a gun, it makes you powerful but what happens when you don’t carry a gun? All kids are tough when carrying a weapon or have a gang surrounding them, but deal with them alone and things will change right away. This government and this system created everything that is negative from the beginning just as Hollywood has done for all these years. Things are just coming out now, but the negative has been there all this time, and there is more to come out - wait and see. It upsets me that people act surprised when the truth comes out, because I've been talking about this for years.

I guarantee you, this is nothing, you’ll see.  People are going against each other, and it works out for the system. We've been fighting a WAR, here in this country, just look around. It's been going on, just slower than it’s happening in other countries. What do you think is going to happen here when things pick up? Wake up! like, really. Another thing, UFO: people think the UFO is the government flying these aircraft, or people say, they took that from a movie, or it’s not real, they’re just messing with your mind. What about mythical creature sightings? You hear people saying it's makeup someone put on to look like those creatures or to look scary and weird. The weather, does it come from the government or just  from the sky and rain because it chose to? There are so many secrets that have been kept for years, and they will continue to be kept away from us.

I’ve been saying this in my writings for years and it’s just gotten worse, but no one wants to hear the truth. There are those that walk this earth with bad intentions, as they carry negative; some of you relate it to the word, “evil”; there is negative and positive and it has a purpose here on earth. Negative comes to destroy and kill, and more is coming; it’s not the end, it’s just the beginning. Positive is here to show you the way out. Why is it that no one sees that? The government planned it that way. They know how to use and manipulate people and get them to do what they want; again it’s about power and greed and taking control, we all know that much. Everything you hear is not all true and everything you see is not all true. 

Let me ask you a question: what happened to the fire in Hawaii? I don’t hear too much about that anymore because this war took over. Wow, what timing they have. Now we are supposed to forget the suffering of the Hawaii people and children being missing . Isn’t that the way it goes? Something happens and then  suddenly something else takes over, and we forget about what happened before. WOW!


Today, I feel the wonders of my world, the laughter that I miss, the joy in my life, the doors opening and seeing the brightness of light, the feeling of energy, the strength, and the peace. Now it is time to fly and reach out, letting go from what was holding me back. Freedom now. Let's fly away to the journey that awaits.


Everything is coming loose. The illusion of the world

is coming into a reality - or is it the other way around?

Reality is coming into an illusion. What is true?

Can we define that word true? Or was it just made up?

Perhaps that was never a word, but just something that existed.

by Guru Enlightment
edited by Spiritual Butterfly

The Mountain

A man climbed a mountain and when he got all the way to the top, he saw an old man sitting there. He approached the old man and said
the old man replied back and said
and asked the man.
“Why are you here?”,
to which the man replied
“I’m here to find the truth.”

The old man asked,
“What truth?”
The man replied,
“My truth.”
So the old man, sitting down, raised his head up and said
“There are many truths. Which one are you looking for?”
The man replied,
“I’m looking for my truth, the only truth.” The old man asked,
“Would you be satisfied with just one truth?” The man replied,
The old man asked,
“Are you sure you only want one truth and not many truths?”
and the man replied,
“No, I just want one truth.”

The old man looked at the man’s face and stared into his eyes. He asked the man,

“Why is it that you’re only looking for one truth?”
The man replied,
“Because there is only one truth.”
The old man looked at the man with wonder in his eyes and said,
“Do you know how many people have come here to find the truth? Some have come here to find many truths, while few came to find one truth.”
The man asked,
“So how many have found many truths and how many have found just one truth?”
The old man responded,
“I lost count.”
The man asked,
“How can you lose count?”
The old man replied,
“When you have lived on a mountain for so many years, you get to realize that the truth is where you stand. Many before you have stood here and then turned back.”

The man then asked the old man,
“Isn’t that a good thing, because they found what they were looking for?”
The old man replied,
“No, you all wasted so much time climbing up this mountain looking for the truth.”
The man got upset and asked,
“Are you saying that I’ve wasted my time climbing up this mountain to find my truth?”
The old man replied,
“What do you truly believe?”
The man responded,
“I truly believe that I didn’t waste my time in looking for the truth.”

The old man looked at him and said, “Many before you have felt the same way you do.”
The manager got upset and angrily said,
“How dare you tell me this, I thought you were a man of vision that carries wisdom and knowledge, but you’re just an old man who is here sitting on top of this mountain and you have the nerve to tell me I wasted my time! What have you done all these years, but sit on this mountain wasting away?”
The old man smiled at the man and replied,
“I have not wasted my time sitting on this mountain, for I have found my truth and I chose to climb this mountain to teach others like you to find the truth, while others continue looking for the truth.

That’s why I sit here today, waiting to tell you that you never had to climb to the top of the mountain to find the truth. One of the problems everyone has is that they feel they have to climb the mountain to find the truth, but they never needed to do it.”
The old man continues,
“You see, no one wants to see what’s in front of their face. They choose not to see the reality of what’s there, for your eyes are closed and your ears are shut while your brain wanders away. Your truth has always been there, but like many others felt they also needed to climb the mountain to find their truth, and you allowed yourself to hear the words of the world to tell you where the truth was. Now do you realize that it was never here in the first place?”

We struggle so much to find our truth and we look all over to find that truth, but all we needed to do was to look in the mirror.

Written by Guru Enlightment
Edited by Gentle Soul

Acknowledge Me

Life is all about struggles. People oftentimes get stuck in dark places. They try to get out of it alone, but it’s not always easy. Sometimes, having strength is not enough. Everyone needs to have faith in themselves. Believe in yourself. Have the courage to overcome darkness and understand it will always be there. It isn’t going anywhere. That’s why it is important to recognize your tools and how to use them. You also need to wake up and see how special you are, how much you matter, and how much you are worth. You came here to conquer, this includes the darkness; it will stand in your way until you say, “Enough!” Stand tall and use your armor so that you have the potential to win! Because you are POWERFUL and no one can take that away from you. Reach within yourself and take that sword that is inside of you. Show yourself how courageous you are. Never sell yourself short! Everyone should say positive things to themselves in the mirror daily so they can recognize how wonderful and beautiful they are. You are a great human being. Remember, you are POWERFUL! You are more than you can ever realize. That’s how you take away the darkness and set yourself free. Just let it go!

Say this to yourself in the mirror:

I am special

I am wonderful

I am worth a great deal

I matter

I am more than I was yesterday

I am powerful

I will conquer the darkness

Because I am more than what I see of myself.

I came to succeed within myself.

I came to acknowledge the darkness and embrace it so that I may stand tall in the light. I am somebody for I am a warrior!